This tombstone is in Asbury Cemetery in Madison Township, Franklin County, Ohio, near the intersection of Noe-Bixby Road and Winchester Pike. It is in excellent condition. I love the epitaph.
memory of
John C.
Son of John and
Jane Coble.
born Augt 3th 1838.
died Septr. 17th 1840.
aged 2 years,
1 month and 14 days.
This lovely bud so young
and fair,
Called hence by early doom
Just came to show how
sweet a flower
In paradise would bloom.”
Beautiful headstone.
I’m glad you liked it. I was touched by the epitaph.
Similarly, These lovely buds so sweet and fair Just called hence by early doom Just came to so how such flowers In paradise would bloom. Old Stone Church Shawnee Ohio
The same epitaph noted at the Tory Hill Cemetery, York County, Maine.