Tombstone Tuesday: Modern Woodmen of America

This tombstone in Forest Cemetery, Circleville, Ohio is a great example of the Modern Woodmen of America. Many genealogists and taphophiles are familiar with the Woodmen of the World organization, which placed countless tree-stump tombstones on the graves of its deceased members. The Modern Woodmen of America is older than WOW, though it was founded…

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Tombstone Tuesday: Creepy Angels

This week’s Tombstone Tuesday isn’t a lesson on reading a tombstone or interpreting tombstone iconography. Instead, I’d like to share what are without a doubt the creepiest angels I’ve ever seen. From Pioneer Cemetery in Westerville, Ohio: I’m adding those to the list of things I don’t want on my tombstone!

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Tombstone Tuesday: An Impressive Monument

Every once in awhile, you come across a tombstone that makes you stop in your tracks. One such tombstone (or, rather, a monument) that did that to me was this impressive one in Crown Hill Cemetery in Indianapolis: This monument stands approximately 7 feet tall and is near the top of Crown Hill, where the…

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Tombstone Tuesday: Zinc or White Bronze

This week’s edition of Tombstone Tuesday covers those tombstones that aren’t stone — they’re metal. Specifically, we’re going to discuss zinc or “white bronze” markers. Zinc markers have a characteristic blue/gray color and feature raised lettering. If you’re in doubt as to whether a marker is zinc, tap on it. If it sounds hollow, it’s…

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