There are rumblings on social media about the possible end of in-person genealogy events like conferences and seminars. With all of the blogs, webinars, and email newsletters out there, are in-person genealogy events dead? Read More
Do We Still Need Genealogy Societies?
In today’s world of social media, where everyone is sharing seemingly everything, do we still need genealogy societies? That’s the question I posed to Josh Taylor, host of Genealogy Roadshow, president of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, and new president of the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society.
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Bringing Genealogy Societies into the 21st Century: Recap
I just finished listening to the very first episode of “My Society,” a free weekly Internet radio show sponsored by the Federation of Genealogical Societies. This week’s episode featured Curt Witcher, speaking on the topic of “Bringing Genealogical Societies into the 21st Century.” This fits very well with his keynote presentation at RootsTech: “The Changing…