Do We Still Need Genealogy Societies?

In today’s world of social media, where everyone is sharing seemingly everything, do we still need genealogy societies? That’s the question I posed to Josh Taylor, host of Genealogy Roadshow, president of the Federation of Genealogical Societies, and new president of the New York Genealogical & Biographical Society. 

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There’s Room for Everyone in Genealogy: RootsTech 2016 Musing

Informative. Energetic. Inspiring. Thought-provoking. Loud. Exhausting. Those are just some of the ways RootsTech has been described. I’d like to add one more adjective to the list: Inclusive. As at past RootsTech conferences, the expo hall had everything from the “big guys” — Ancestry, FamilySearch, etc. — to the start-ups and the one-person operations. There…

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Giveaway: Win Registration to RootsTech 2016

RootsTech is the largest genealogy event in the United States. I’m excited to announce that they has given me a 3-day registration for RootsTech 2016 to give away! This includes: More than 200 sessions Keynotes General sessions Getting Started classes Expo hall Evening events (This giveaway does not include luncheon events, paid workshops, travel, or hotel….

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