Are In-person Genealogy Events Dead?

There are rumblings on social media about the possible end of in-person genealogy events like conferences and seminars. With all of the blogs, webinars, and email newsletters out there, are in-person genealogy events dead? Read More

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Presenting Civil War topics at Allen County

I am thrilled to be the featured speaker at the ACPL Genealogy Center’s Military Symposium this year. With the upcoming sesquicentennial of the Civil War, this year’s symposium will revolve around Civil War topics. I will present one of the lectures on Friday and all four on Saturday. The symposium is sponsored by the Allen…

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New RootsTech Conference

FamilySearch has just announced they will be hosting the new RootsTech Conference which will be held in Salt Lake City 10-12 February 2011. Sponsors of the conference include, New England Historic Genealogical Society (NEHGS), and Brigham Young University. Jim Ericson and Shipley Munson of FamilySearch described it as new type of genealogy/technology conference. Where…

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2nd Chance for FGS Conference Discount

Are you kicking yourself for not registering for the Federation of Genealogical Societies conference before the June 1 deadline for the early registration discount? Well, stop doing that, because you have a second chance — the deadline has been extended to June 21! The FGS conference will be in Knoxville, Tennessee August 18-21. The program…

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FGS Conference registration deadline — Friday!

The deadline to register online or by phone for the Federation of Genealogical Societies 2008 Conference is this Friday, August 22 at 5:00pm CDT. After that, you will need to do a walk-in registration at the conference. The conference is in Philadelphia, September 3-6. Details about the conference as well as online registration can be…

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