There are rumblings on social media about the possible end of in-person genealogy events like conferences and seminars. With all of the blogs, webinars, and email newsletters out there, are in-person genealogy events dead? Read More
Resources, Projects, and More from the ALA Conference
I’m a librarian. I may not sit behind a reference desk, but I still put my library degree to good use. (As Drew Smith of the Genealogy Guys Podcast has described me, I’m a free-range librarian.) I recently hung out with 16,000 of my library peeps at the American Library Association annual conference. While I…
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On the Radio This Saturday
This Saturday, 27 August, I will be the “FGS 2011 Conference Speaker of the Week” on the Federation of Genealogical Societies’ My Society radio show. The show begins at 2:00 ET/1:00 CT. My portion will begin at approximately 2:30 (1:30 central). I’ll be talking about my sessions at the upcoming FGS conference as well as…
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OGS Conference – Register Now and Save
The Ohio Genealogical Society’s 2011 annual conference is fast approaching: 31 March – 2 April in Columbus. Also fast approaching is the deadline to get the early discount — Monday, 14 March. Registration costs if you send in your registration now (postmarked on or before 14 March): Full registration (OGS members): $115 Full registration (non-members):…
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RootsTech Videos Available Online
For three days in early February, I was glued to my computer watching videos of sessions streaming from the RootsTech conference. Everyone in the blogosphere and on Twitter who were following along with me were asking the same question: Would these videos be made available later? The answer is Yes! Some of the sessions that…