Student History Conference at OSU-Newark Today

I am soooooooo far behind in my blogging that I’ve neglected to mention something I’m very excited about: presenting at the Student History Conference at Ohio State University – Newark today! I’ll be presenting two papers. The first is “For the Benefit of the Private Soldiers: The History of the Grand Army of the Republic in Ohio,” which was my research paper for History 310 (Ohio History) last fall. The second paper is a portion of my senior honors thesis. I’m a bit nervous about that one as (1) so many of my friends have told me they’re going to that session and (2) I’ve had to use just different sections of the thesis because the whole thing it too long to present. I hope what I present makes sense!

If you happen to be in the area this morning, stop by the Reese Center on the OSU-N campus. There are 3 sessions: 9:00, 10:15, and 11:30. There are also two presentations this afternoon: one by a history prof at Denison talking about local history (yea!) and the other by an author talking about historical fiction.

Posted: May 16, 2009.

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  • Good luck in your presentations, Amy!

    If it is possible, I would love to read your paper about the History of the G.A.R. in Ohio! My ancestor was in the local chapter in Sandusky, and of course the Ohio Veterans Home is in our county too!