Terry Thornton of Hill Country of Monroe County, Mississippi has started a new blogging project: the Association of Graveyard Rabbits. The purpose is to highlight tombstones, cemeteries, burial practices, etc. in specific geographic regions. This seemed like a natural fit to me, considering my fascination with cemeteries.
Graveyard Rabbit blogs are supposed to limit themselves to the topic at hand: cemeteries in the area the blog covers. Since Amy’s Genealogy, etc. Blog covers more than just cemeteries, I have started a new blog called Graveyard Rabbit of Central Ohio: http://graveyardrabbitofcentralohio.wordpress.com.
I will still have Tombstone Tuesday here. (They will also be mirrored on my GYR blog.) I haven’t quite decided what to do about other cemetery posts. Obviously, the cemeteries and tombstones outside of central Ohio will stay here. The central Ohio ones will probably appear on both sites. (Just thinking out loud here. If you have any comments or suggestions, let me know!)
Hey Amy,
I joined Graveyard Rabbits too.
I like your ideas so far. Sounds good!
Hi Amy – Most of my Graveyard Rabbit info is in my town & area where I don’t have any ancestors or genealogical leanings so I’m doing Tombstone Tuesdays on both sites – but they’ll be different. I’m glad you’re part of Graveyard Rabbits, too!
I’m so glad you joined The Association of Graveyard Rabbits and I look forward to reading your articles at your new membership blog, The Graveyard Rabbit of Central Ohio.
Terry Thornto