You’ve spent a lot of time, energy, and money tracing your family tree. Not to be morbid, but have you thought about what happens to all of that when you’re gone? Don’t leave things to chance. Here are 5 ways to preserve your genealogy research.
Why Aren’t More Genealogy Records Online?
With scanning technology being easier and cheaper than ever before, why aren’t more genealogy materials online? The answer isn’t, “Just scan it.” Here’s a look at everything involved in making genealogy records available online.
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Easy Ways You Can Share Your Genealogy Beyond an Ancestry Tree
Many of us feel the need to share our genealogy with others. It helps us make connections with others, gives us a sense of “paying forward” the efforts of those before us, and helps in our efforts to preserve our research. Ancestry has made it easy to share, but that shouldn’t be the only way…
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Remembering the Wilmington Coup of 1898
When you explore family history, you realize just how much of American history has been forgotten, including big events that you wouldn’t think would evaporate in the mists of time. One such event is the Wilmington Coup of 1898. Fortunately, there are efforts to bring this event back to the nation’s consciousness and commemorate the…
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5 Easy DIY Family History Gifts
When you’re into genealogy, it’s natural to want to give family history themed gifts, but sometimes they miss the mark. Here are 5 easy gifts that you can put together that will delight your family, along with a gift that you might want to think twice about.