Digging into military records can yield an incredible amount of information about our ancestors. (My favorite is my 3rd-great-grandfather’s Civil War pension file. It showed that he married his second wife 12 days after she divorced her previous husband. Yeah, that.) While some records will spell out military service, there are times when we need…
How to Find Your Civil War Ancestor
Millions of Americans descend from a Civil War veteran. But how do you know if one of your ancestors did (if any)? Here are some easy steps to take to find you Civil War ancestor and how to start digging deeper into military records.
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Using Grand Army of the Republic Records for Civil War Research
Countless Americans have an ancestor who fought for the Union during the Civil War. Research on these men often focuses on official records, such has pensions and compiled military service records. But the research shouldn’t stop there. The records of the Grand Army of the Republic should be part of your Civil War research.
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Exploring Military Cemeteries
Honoring those who died for their country and those who died after their service is one of the most sacred duties of a nation. Let’s take a look at the history of U.S. military cemeteries and some resources for family historians.
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Army Repatriation: Bringing Them Home
What does “No man left behind” truly mean? For Megan Smolenyak, it means working to identify servicemembers from past conflicts, finding their families, and bringing them home in the process of military repatriation.Pin This!Read More