The Shifting Landscape of Genetic Genealogy

There was a time when DNA kits flew off of shelves and people lined up by the hundreds to purchase them on sale at genealogy events. Not anymore. Why are sales slowing down? It’s a tale of the shifting landscape of genetic genealogy… and some squandered opportunities.

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When There’s a Surprise in DNA Results

DNA has led to incredible discoveries. The news and social media are filled with stories of adoptees finding biological family members and siblings being reunited after decades apart. But there’s another kind of discovery that isn’t talked about as often—surprises in the DNA results. This is how one experienced genealogist discovered the truth about the…

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The Ethics of Genetic Genealogy: Tips from Judy Russell

Getting started with genetic genealogy is easy: Get a kit, send off your sample, and await the results. But those results can have huge surprises, not only for you, but also for your matches. Judy Russell, the Legal Genealogist, shares some things we need to consider around the ethics of genetic genealogy. Read More

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